Allu Arjun Arrest News Live: Telugu actor Allu Arjun has been released today morning after he got arrested by the police in connection with a stampede at the premiere of his film Pushpa 2 in Hyderabad on December 13 (Friday). The incident resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman and left her son critically injured. Police filed a case against the actor, his security team, and the management of Sandhya Theatre. As per the latest reports, the Pushpa 2 The Rule actor has been shifted to Gandhi hospitals. Authorities stated they had not been informed about the actor’s attendance at the premiere. Recently, Allu Arjun’s lawyer claimed that they’re going to take legal actor for actor’s ‘illegal detention’.
Addressing to media, Pushpa 2 actor said, “We are extremely sorry for the family. I will personally be there to help them in whatever way possible. I was inside the theatre watching a movie with my family and the accident happened outside. It has no direct connection with me. It was purely accidental and unintentional. I have been going to the same theatre for the last 20 years, and I have been to the same place more than 30 times. There has never been an accident like this before. I should reserve my comments because I don’t want to say anything that will tamper the case.”