(Giloy )
  (Giloy )

Giloy can eliminate PCOS  (Giloy )

Ovarian Syndrome: Nowadays Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has become the most common problem in women. Due to unhealthy diet and lifestyle, the problem of PCOD and PCOS has started increasing. Apart from this, many types of hormonal changes in women also cause it. The problem of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is seen in women during pregnancy. Women between 16 and 35 years are most affected by it. Many times women are not even aware of this disease. Due to hormonal imbalance in the body, lumps are formed in the ovaries, which we call cysts. In this situation, pregnancy is directly affected. However, it can also be controlled by changing lifestyle and some medicines. Giloy  (Giloy ) and many Ayurvedic things also prove beneficial in PCOS. Know which things benefit women in PCOS?

These Ayurvedic herbs are beneficial in PCOS
Giloy- These days the Giloy plant flourishes a lot. Giloy is considered a very effective herb in Ayurveda. Consuming Giloy also helps in controlling PCOS. When more androgen is produced in the body, the male hormones start increasing in the body. In such a situation, Giloy helps in balancing these hormones. You can consume Giloy powder with honey and water.

Cinnamon- It has been revealed in many researches that cinnamon prevents the increase in insulin levels in the body. This reduces weight. In such a situation, it helps the PCOS patient. You can drink 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder by mixing it in hot water.

Pudina- Mint is also considered beneficial in PCOS. Drinking mint tea reduces the level of testosterone hormone in the body and reduces the excess hair growing in the body. For this, boil 7-8 mint leaves in hot water and drink it like tea.

Liquorice- In Ayurveda, liquorice is considered very beneficial. Consuming liquorice speeds up the process of ovulation. For this, boil 1 teaspoon liquorice powder in water and make a decoction. You have to drink it like tea. It reduces the level of testosterone hormone.