(good health) 
(good health) 

It is good to get enough sleep for good health(good health) 

Adequate sleep: For good health, (good health)  it is considered good to get 7-8 hours of full sleep every day. By doing this, both the body and the mind get recharged. If you are not able to get full sleep due to some reason, then it will not take long to fall ill. This is the reason why doctors also advise to get enough sleep to stay fit. But do you know that lying on the bed upside down and sleeping in any way is not the right way to relax the body. Sleeping in the wrong position can cause pain in different parts of the body.

In which position should you sleep to stay fit?

Dr. Vikas Kumar posted in Ranchi Government Hospital, Jharkhand keeps sharing tips related to health awareness on his social media handle. Now he has shared useful information on sleeping position on his social media. Let us know in which position we should sleep and what should we avoid to keep the body fit.

Dr. Vikas Kumar says that most people always sleep in the wrong way. Due to which our neck and waist get damaged. Along with this, our sleep also gets disturbed and the next day the body feels badly broken and lethargy remains throughout the day. Therefore, we should pay special attention to our sleep and sleeping style.

Adopt these methods for sleeping

– Choose a mattress that supports the waist.- First of all lie down on the waist.- Now relax the whole body.- Then lie down on the left side and sleep.

Keep these things in mind while sleeping

When sleeping on the back

Put a pillow under the knees. By doing this the muscles of the waist relax. Also keep in mind that the pillow placed under the neck should come only up to the shoulders.

When sleeping by changing sides

If you are sleeping by changing sides, then put a pillow between both the knees. Those who have disc/sciatica problems or whose back nerves are getting compressed should sleep in both the ways mentioned above.

Do not sleep on your stomach for long

One should not sleep on your stomach for long. Doing so has an adverse effect on the body’s digestive process. Even if you are sleeping on your stomach, do not forget to put a pillow on the lower part of your stomach.

The best position to sleep

According to sleep experts, the best position to sleep is to sleep on your side. Doing so is very beneficial for the intestines and also provides relief in diseases like sleep apnea. Sleeping in this position also improves the digestive process.