Urine occurs while laughing and coughing(laughing)

Urine problem: Often urine comes out when you laugh  (laughing) too loudly, cough or sneeze. These problems are seen more in women. This happens due to weak pelvic muscles. But you can strengthen it by doing yoga. Today we are going to tell you about some such exercises which can help you get rid of this health issue. By drinking these 4 spices mixed in 1 glass of hot water, fat can start melting in 15 days.
How to strengthen pelvic muscles
Side Lunges – If you want to strengthen your pelvic muscles then you must do this exercise. Along with strengthening your pelvic, it will also reduce side fats.

Deep Squat – This will also strengthen your pelvic muscles. This can also provide relief from your urine related problems. It reduces the fat accumulated around your waist.

Baby Pose – This will also help in strengthening your pelvic muscles. Not only this, it will also reduce your belly fat, so you can also include it in your routine.