(Ram Temple)
(Ram Temple)

Can UN intervene on Ram Temple?(Ram Temple)

United Nations: It is said that if your house is made of glass then you do not throw stones at other people’s houses. But neighboring country Pakistan is not giving up its habits. He has an old habit of meddling in other people’s matters. Pakistan has got such a strong chilli taste from Lord Shri Ram’s temple in Ayodhya that it is neither able to swallow it nor spit it out. Now Pakistan has written a formal letter and complained about this to the United Nations. But can the United Nations intervene in the matter of Ram Temple (Ram Temple) ? What are the rules of the United Nations regarding interference in the affairs of any country? Let us know about it.

Chhaya Ram Temple in the hearts and minds of Pakistan
The program of consecration of Lord Shri Ram’s temple in Ayodhya was so divine and grand that it is imprinted in the hearts and minds of Pakistan. The happiness of India and Indians is not pleasing to his eyes. After 500 years, India and Indians got the opportunity to bring their Lord from the tent to the temple. But Pakistan has found the chilli so hot that its spiciness is showing no sign of ending. Decades after the end of the dispute over the name of temple and mosque, the stream of Ganga-Jamuni culture is flowing in Ayodhya. But it is not going down the throat of Pakistan. When Muslims along with Hindus took part in the consecration of Lord Shri Ram, Pakistan did not accept the meeting of both.

Pakistan reached UN to cry

Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UN, Munir Akram, is one of the Pakistani rulers who never gets tired of speaking against India. That personality who accepts the poverty of the Pakistani people dying of hunger. But they cannot stop themselves from interfering in India’s affairs. Those personalities who are not concerned with the development of Pakistan. But India enjoys giving advice. They are so unhappy with the construction of Ram temple in Ayodhya that they are writing a letter to the United Nations complaining about it.

What did Pakistan say on Ram Mandir?

In a letter sent to the United Nations, Pakistan’s Ambassador Munir Akram wrote that Pakistan strongly condemns the construction and consecration of Ram Temple in place of the demolished Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India. This trend poses a serious threat to the social, economic and political welfare of Indian Muslims as well as to harmony and peace in the region. There is an urgent need to intervene to ensure the protection of heritage sites related to Islam in India.

Wrote this in a letter to UN

It was also written in the letter that the matter has progressed beyond Babri Masjid. Other mosques in India are also facing similar threats. The sad thing is that this is not an isolated incident. Because other mosques including Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi and Shahi Idgah Mosque in Mathura are also facing threats of desecration and destruction.

UN rules regarding interference

Let us tell you that the United Nations cannot interfere in the affairs of any country just like that. According to Article 2 (7) of the UN Charter, if there is any internal matter of any country then the UN cannot interfere in it. Every country has its own sovereignty. The UN has no right to interfere in that.

When does the United Nations intervene?
Let us know when and in which matters the United Nations can intervene. What is the international law regarding this? Know that the UN Charter Chapter VII states that the United Nations can intervene only when the behavior or actions of any country pose a threat to international peace and security. This has made it clear that there is no use in crying over Pakistan’s Ram Temple in the United Nations. He is just shedding his crocodile tears. His words are not going to make any sense.
take care of your home first pakistan
Pakistan should understand that they are not able to take care of their own house and have started pelting stones at others. The world knows the reality of Pakistan. How Pakistan is facing economic, social and political instability within its own country. The condition of Muslims themselves is bad there. Yet, to divert attention from these issues, he is engaged in conspiracies to instigate Muslims in India. The reality is that religious places of Hindus are being targeted and destroyed one by one in Pakistan. News of atrocities against Hindus remain in the headlines of newspapers every day.