(Nepal )
(Nepal )

Earth trembles again in India’s neighborhood(Nepal )

New Delhi: The earth has shaken once again in India’s neighbourhood. People were frightened in Nepal  (Nepal ) when the earthquake was felt in the early morning. Nepal Science Center said that an earthquake occurred in Nepal at around 1.20 am (early Thursday), the intensity of which was 4.5 on the Richter scale and its epicenter was in Chitlang in Makwanpur district. At present, there is no news of any loss of life or property due to this earthquake. But after the earthquake tremors were felt at night, people were seen in fear.

Let us tell you that on November 3, an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude occurred in Jajarkot, Nepal, in which at least 153 people were killed and thousands of people were rendered homeless. This area of Nepal has been badly affected by the earthquake and people are forced to live in tents. Because of this, people are now falling prey to cold. Recently, five people living in tents have died due to cold. According to local officials, more than 34,000 families are living in tents in Jajarkot as their houses were completely damaged by the earthquake.

Earlier on November 17, earthquake tremors were also felt in Myanmar. An earthquake was felt in northeastern Myanmar last Friday morning. According to the US Geological Survey, the 5.7 magnitude earthquake was centered about 76 km southwest of Keng Tung city in Shan state. The earthquake was about 10 km deep. At present, there was no news of any loss of life or property in this earthquake.

What to do and what not to do if an earthquake occurs
1- If you are inside a building, sit on the floor and go under some strong furniture. If there is no table or such furniture, cover your face and head with your hands and sit crouching in a corner of the room.
2- If you are outside the building, move away from the building, trees, poles and wires.
3- If you are traveling in a vehicle, then stop the vehicle as soon as possible and remain sitting inside the vehicle.
4- If you are buried under a pile of debris, never light a match, neither move nor push anything.
5- In case you are buried under debris, tap lightly on any pipe or wall, so that the rescue workers can understand your situation. If you have a whistle, blow it.
6- Make noise only when there is no other option. Making noise can suffocate your breath with dust and dirt.
7- Always keep a disaster relief kit ready in your home.