Today’s horoscope 1 October 2023

Today’s horoscope  () 1 October 2023
There will be financial gain. People looking for a new job may get success. You will benefit from the opinion of experienced people. You will be able to control your expenses. You can go somewhere with your spouse. People will be attracted to your personality.
You may feel difficulty in taking decisions. Work can get spoiled due to overconfidence. There may be a fight in the family regarding money. If it is not necessary, do not undertake a long journey today.
Will be very happy. You will get both respect and financial benefits in the workplace. Married life will be very romantic. There is going to be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. People will appreciate your generous behaviour.
There may be some changes in lifestyle. You will have to put in some hard work to adopt it. You may get some good news in the evening. Can invest for growth in business. Old contacts will be beneficial.
Guests may arrive. There may be new contracts regarding business. Students will get excellent results in higher education. People associated with politics can get high positions.
Your dominance will be established in the workplace. There is a possibility of getting into legal trouble. Male natives may have differences with their female colleagues. Do not let a situation of distrust arise in marital relationships. Do not start new work today.
The new couple can also take a decision regarding family planning. You will get pleasant results of hard work. Love marriage may get the consent of the family. There are chances of students getting great success.
Today you will have to depend on others for your work. There can be a settlement in property disputes. Opponents will trouble you in the workplace. If you are facing any problem in chest and lungs then definitely consult your doctor.
Business relations will be strong. You should avoid taking impractical decisions. There may be a complaint of burning sensation in the stomach. Closeness will increase in love relationships. People with spiritual inclination will be thoughtful about some spiritual practice today.
There is a possibility of feeling a little worried due to old loan. There may be a fight in the house in the evening due to some reason. Find a solution to the problem by being calm and patient. You will not feel like working due to sensual thoughts.
Confidence will increase. There is a possibility of meeting old friends. There can be financial gains through associates in business. Married life will be very romantic. You can share your thoughts with your spouse.
The beginning of the day will not be good. You will feel tired and lack of energy in the body. Frustrated sexual attractions can become a hindrance in your work. Balance the mind with yoga and pranayam. You may take wrong decisions due to misleading thoughts.
P Subhash Pandey