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Scientists alert for next year( year) 

Climate change: July this year is facing record heatwave in the last 100 years. At the same time, NASA’s climatologist said on Thursday that July 2023 could possibly be the hottest month not in hundreds but in thousands of years.           ( year)  He believes that if it continues like this, then in 2024 the situation can become even more dire. Germany’s Leipzig University has studied the data taken from the surface and satellites of the scorching heat in many places around the world.

This year’s July was hotter than 2019
A comparative study of extreme heat by Germany has shown that the average July temperature this year is expected to be 1.5°C higher. At the same time, according to the data of the European Union, this year’s July is expected to be at least 0.2 degree Celsius higher than last year.

At the same time, climatologist Carsten Hustin of the University of Leipzig said that by being higher in July than last and this year, we can clearly tell, this year’s July is likely to be hotter. He said that unless we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, the temperature will continue to rise like this. He told that the average temperature of July should remain 16 degree Celsius but this year it has increased to 17 degree Celsius. He further said that to study climate change, we collected ice cubes and tree barks from the glacier, which showed that the Earth’s temperature had not increased that much in the last 120,000 years.
What did the United Nations say?
The United Nations World Meteorological Organization said on Thursday that it is too early to call July the hottest month yet. Now we will wait for the final data to be available. At the same time, climatologist Piers Foster of Leeds University, UK, said that July has definitely been the warmest on record.

Severe heat in many countries of the world
Record temperature was recorded in America from Arizona to Death Valley in California. The hottest night ever recorded in Death Valley. At the same time, a record 52.2 degree Celsius scorching heat was recorded in the northern province of China. At the same time, the whole of Europe is also in the grip of scorching heat. From France, Italy, Greece, Britain and Germany many countries are witnessing scorching heat. Doctors are forbidding people to leave their homes from 11 am to 6 pm. At the same time, due to the scorching heat in many countries, the possibility of forest fires has also increased. The countries whose forests are most prone to fire are Greece, Egypt, Spain, Turkey etc.