Answer to China! Indian Army did air drop at an altitude of 14 thousand feet

New Delhi. China has fueled the dispute with India in eastern Ladakh 18 months ago. The Indian Army has been aware of the nature of China and its army for the past several decades, so India never reduced its military preparedness. As a result, China was given a befitting reply for its arrogance. The Indian Army is still continuing its military exercises near the Line of Actual Control (LAC), whether it is eastern Ladakh or the eastern sector of India. In this episode, the Indian Army is testing the rapid response of its army in Ladakh. The Shatrujit Brigade of the Indian Army has started an exercise to test the combat capability.

On Monday, Indian soldiers were air-dropped at an altitude of 14 thousand feet. This exercise was also challenging because the temperature where these soldiers were dropped was close to -20 degrees. These soldiers were air-dropped through planes on those areas and the army personnel successfully landed with their full battle load at the exact same place.

This exercise is necessary because such a drill is a surprise element for the enemy and in the event of war, the Indian Army has to cut its supply line in their own area to weaken the enemy, then the soldiers will get thousands of fits. Air drop is done in their area from a height which is also known as operation behind the enemy line.

Along with soldiers, special vehicle and missile detachments were dropped at five different mountain bases through IAF’s C-130 and AN-32 transport aircraft. Soldiers are specially prepared to carry out operations in extreme conditions in this area. These soldiers were already acclimatized for high altitude.

The exercise includes oxygen combat free fall jump, integrated battle drill with airborne force, mechanized column and attack helicopter. The exercise is still going on, as China is also doing a similar exercise in Tibet and the Indian Army has also tightened its back to deal with any challenge from China.