( three times )
( three times )

Kalave should be wrapped only three times ( three times )in the hand.

Kalava: In Hinduism, the tradition of tying a red colored Kalava in the hand at the time of worship and religious rituals has been going on for a long time. Tying Kalava in hand is considered very auspicious. It is also known as Molly. Kalava is mainly made up of 3 colors which are also considered to be the symbol of Tridev Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Kalave should be wrapped only three times ( three times ) in the hand. Red and yellow colors have special importance during worship. During this, all the devotees participating in the puja also wear red and yellow colored clothes.  zodiac sign people should wear Kalava and which zodiac sign people should avoid wearing red colored Kalava.

Importance of Kalava
Kalave is very important in Sanatan Dharma. By tying Kalava which is considered to be the symbol of Tridev Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh, man is protected from many problems, hence it is also called Raksha Sutra. This Raksha Sutra should be wrapped only 3 times in the hand.
Which hand is auspicious to tie
According to astrology, Kalava should always be tied on the right hand by men and unmarried girls. On the other hand, married women should always tie Kalava in the left hand.

benefits of tying kalawa
According to popular religious beliefs, whoever ties Kalava, Mother Lakshmi and Ram devotee Hanuman are pleased with him. By tying red colored kalawa on the hand, the position of Sun and Mars present in the horoscope gets strengthened, as well as the sum of monetary gain is created.

People of two zodiac signs should not tie kalava
According to astrology, the natives whose zodiac signs are Capricorn and Aquarius should not tie a red colored kalava. Shani Dev is the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius and Shani Dev does not like red colour. Shani Dev may get angry by doing this.
Who should tie Kalava
According to astrology, it is auspicious for the people of Scorpio, Aries and Leo to tie a red colored thread. The blessings of Hanuman ji remain on the people of these zodiac signs. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio and Sun is the lord of Leo. Red color is very dear to both Sun and Mars.