world’s tallest mount everest

Kathmandu: Disturbing news has come out from the world’s highest Mount Everest. Research has shown that the layer of ice on the top of Everest is decreasing continuously and if it continues like this, its height will be less than before in the coming time.
National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Everest started surveying the height of Mount Everest in the year 2019. Whose report has now come out. In the report, a study was done on the impact of global warming on Mount Everest. Research revealed that this glacier has been losing ice continuously since 1995.

It has been said in the conclusion of the research, ‘The ice on Mount Everest is melting very fast. It took about 2000 years for this thickness of ice to form. Whereas the rate of ice melting is 80 times faster.

According to the study, the snow on Mount Everest is decreasing continuously. There its layer is also getting thinner at an alarming rate. This layer is estimated to thin by about two meters every year. Due to which the risk of glacier melting is increasing one day.

It has been said in the report that South Kol Glacier is one of the sunniest places in the world. Once the ice cover on such glaciers disappears, the melting of bare glacier ice can be up to 20 times faster. The danger is even greater on glaciers that receive less snow.

Scientists from 8 countries including 17 Nepalese researchers were included in this research team. Three co-authors who wrote the report of this study were from the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu, Nepal. This institute is a center formed by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which has been developed to monitor changes in mountainous regions.