Work done with camels to look beautiful in beauty contest

Saudi Arabia Camel Sports Festival: This festival was organized for the first time in the year 2000. This festival is also called King Abdul Aziz Camel Beauty Contest. In this camel owners compete for prize money of some £49 million. At a ceremony in the desert northeast of the capital Riyadh, the jury said this year they are using “special and advanced” technology to detect any rigging.

, The world’s largest Camel Sports Festival is held every year in Saudi Arabia. It is also included in the Guinness Book of World Records. In this Camel Festival, which lasts for more than 40 days, there is competition among camels of all breeds of the world. However, 40 camels were disqualified in the selection process of the $65 million (605 crore) festival. These camels were specially given botox treatment for the festival. These camels were given hormone injections for muscle strength and facial engorgement.

This festival was organized for the first time in the year 2000. This festival is also called King Abdul Aziz Camel Beauty Contest. In this camel owners compete for prize money of some £49 million. At a ceremony in the desert northeast of the capital Riyadh, the jury said this year they are using “special and advanced” technology to detect any rigging.

This festival is completed in four phases, in which major races take place on weekends. There are warmup rounds, racing rounds, marathon rounds, production rounds and closing in rounds. Along with this, cultural and entertainment activities also take place.

Yet camel owners use cosmetic procedures to deceive the prize-winning jury based on the size of the camel’s head, neck, hump, dress and posture.
During the selection, the jury found that dozens of camels were given hormone injections. Through this his nose, mouth, neck and hump were enlarged.

This camel festival is held every year in Taif, Saudi Arabia, which is 68 km from Mecca and 134 km from Jeddah. Direct flights from India are available for Jeddah and Mecca. You can do further distance by car. It takes about 1 hour to reach Taif from Mecca by road, while it takes more than 2 hours from Jeddah.