Why is the daughter not sent to her in-laws’ house on Wednesday? Know the reason

New Delhi: Often people take care of the Muhurta while starting the journey. It is believed that work done in auspicious time and Muhurta gives good results. Along with this, some tricks and measures are also taken so that you do not have to face any kind of troubles during the journey. According to classical beliefs, it is forbidden to send a daughter to her in-laws’ house on Wednesday. Know why after marriage, the daughter is not sent off to her in-laws’ house on Wednesday.
It is believed that daughters are not sent off to the in-laws’ house on Wednesday. It is believed that on this day, there is a possibility of an accident by leaving the daughter. Apart from this, there is also a belief that the relationship of the daughter with her in-laws may deteriorate.
Mythological belief is that the planet Moon is dominant in women. Wednesday is related to the planet Mercury. There is a feeling of enmity between Mercury and Moon. This is the reason why a married girl is not sent off to her in-laws’ house on Wednesday.

According to the scriptures, some work on Wednesday gives auspicious results. In such a situation, it is auspicious to open an account, get insurance, transact money, keep goods in a warehouse on this day.