Why is baby fed in annaprashan, food in silver utensils?

As soon as silver is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the picture of jewelry made from it. But today we are talking not about jewelry, but about silver utensils and the benefits of eating food in it. Since ancient times, the tradition of feeding the baby food in silver utensils while doing Annaprashan is going on. Even today many people will be following this tradition. But do you know why this is done, after all, what is the benefit to the baby by feeding food in silver utensils. know.

Improves memory – Silver has the property of providing cooling, which helps in improving the memory of the child by calming the mind. Not only this, eating in silver utensils not only improves the power of the brain but also removes the problems related to the eyes.

Immunity – Along with fighting bacteria in silverware, there are also properties to increase immunity in babies. Actually, when hot food is served in silver utensils, the food gets infected with this metal and leaves some of its anti-bacterial properties in the food. This is the reason why young children are advised to feed food in silver utensils.

Prevent cold and cold- Drinking water in a silver glass removes the problem of cold and flu. At the same time, its use is very effective in removing the problem of increasing pitta or pitta dosha.
Food remains fresh for a long time – Food or liquid food kept in silver utensils remains fresh for a long time.
It is beneficial for eyes- Feeding or feeding babies in silver utensils strengthens their eyesight. Not only this, it also helps in getting rid of eye problems.
Controls body temperature – Silver helps in maintaining body temperature. This is the reason why women are advised to wear silver anklets and jewelry.