What was this sent in the name of relief?

What was this sent in the name of relief?

Islamabad. Pakistan’s Shehbaz Sharif government, which is constantly facing severe economic crisis, is trying to find dollars by taking a bowl at the International Forum, and on the other hand, it does not want to lag behind in boasting. In this affair, Pakistan keeps getting its troubles done continuously. The latest case is related to Turkey. Where there has been huge devastation after the severe earthquakes. Immediately after the earthquake in Turkey, when many countries around the world announced to send relief goods to help the victims, how could Pakistan stay behind?

But now it has come to the fore that Pakistan has sent back the same old goods to Turkey in the name of help, which Turkey had sent to Pakistan some time back to help the people during the severe floods. A senior Pakistani journalist has claimed that the aid items sent by Islamabad to Turkey were actually the same items that Ankara had sent to Pakistan to help flood victims. To help the flood victims, Pakistan has repackaged the goods that came from Turkey and sent them back.

This was revealed when the goods sent by him were found inside the goods opened in Turkey. This created a lot of embarrassment in front of the officials of Pakistan’s embassy in Turkey. It was said that Pakistan’s PM Shahbaz Sharif is personally monitoring the efforts to send aid to Turkey. Now after the latest revelations of the Pakistani journalist, the Shehbaz Sharif government is in trouble. Significantly, some time back, floods in Pakistan had caused terrible devastation.