
Western countries against China on the issue of Taiwan(Taiwan)

Beijing. Seeing the strength of the Ukrainian army in the Ukraine-Russia war, China’s condition has deteriorated. It was believed that the Russian army would easily win this war in a few days, although it did not happen. Taking lessons from the war, China is now afraid of taking military action on Taiwan.(Taiwan)  The Chinese army knows that trying to capture Taiwan is an invitation to a big war with the western countries. In a way, the war between Russia and Ukraine is also being fought by America and its allies. In such a situation, the officers of the Chinese army realize that all the western countries will stand together against China on the issue of Taiwan.

Commodore Jan Wang Haijiang, Western Theater Command of the Chinese PLA, made it clear that there is a need to prepare by combining artificial intelligence with traditional warfare. According to the report, Russia is using conventional weapons in the Ukraine war, but the ones causing the most damage are the artificial intelligence (AI)-less war weapons. Since the Chinese army has not fought any war since the 1979 Vietnam War and there were no methods like new modern technology and artificial intelligence in that war. On the other hand, even though China is increasing its stock of weapons, none of its today’s weapons are war tested.

In such a situation, to deal with the current challenges and strengthen its army, it is engaged in strengthening AI, information network, aviation and space. According to the report, a major challenge facing China is that most of the weapons or aircraft are based on Russian technology. A large number of China has taken helicopters from Russia and the way in which 30 Russian attack helicopters Mi-24, Mi-28, Mi-35 and Kamov were killed during the first two months of the war, the American Stringer missile is the biggest reason behind it. doing. There was a fear in the mind of China that how to save its attack helicopter Z-10 from American stringer missile. Because attack helicopters fly low altitude or ultra low altitude for better results and in such a situation, there is a risk of becoming the most victim of Man Portable Air Defense System.

This is also clearly visible in Russia Ukraine war, due to which China has also started making many changes in its helicopter. Already China was struggling with problems like Z-10 engine power, low performance, flight range and load carrying capability, as well as China is also troubled by the weak armor of this helicopter. According to the report, China has more than 250 Z-10 attack helicopters and attack helicopter drill has been intensified in the coastal area for some time. It is clear that if there is a war with Taiwan, then the attack helicopter will be used the most.

For UAV operation based on artificial intelligence, China is also looking for new flight routes around Taiwan and mapping the entire area. China’s TB-001 Twin Tail Scorpion, BZK-005, CH-4 drones have been continuously flying around Taiwan for the last few months. The purpose of this flying is to make its UAV operators well acquainted with the area so that China can make better use of these UAVs in the event of war. At the same time, China is keeping an eye on every aspect of the Russia-Ukraine war because the fate of Russia and Ukraine’s weapons is a matter of great concern.