US-Russia clash in UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine

New York: India on Thursday said that the situation in Ukraine can be resolved only through diplomatic negotiations to immediately defuse tensions while ensuring the “legitimate security interests of all countries”. In the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the Ukraine crisis, India has clearly said on Thursday that any step that increases tension should be avoided. TS Tirumurti, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said, “Any steps that escalate tensions by all parties can be avoided in the larger interest of achieving international peace and security. Calm and constructive diplomacy is the need of the hour.”

Despite repeated emphasis by the US and its allies about the possibility of a Russian attack, India has refrained from criticizing the actions of key strategic partner Russia. Shortly before the Indian envoy’s statement to the UN Security Council, US President Joe Biden said that the threat of Russian aggression was “very high”.

Presenting India’s side at the UNSC meeting on Ukraine, Tirumurti said India’s interest lies in finding a solution that takes into account the legitimate security interests of all countries to secure long-term peace, stability in the region and beyond. To reduce stress immediately.

“More than 20,000 Indian students and citizens live and study in different parts of Ukraine, including its border regions. The well-being of Indian citizens is a priority for us,” he said.

TS Tirumurti, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations at the UNSC meeting on Ukraine: We will take serious and sustained diplomatic efforts to ensure that the concerns of all parties are resolved amicably through constructive dialogue. We reiterate our call for a peaceful solution to the

In 2014 and 2015 an agreement was reached in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. This is called the Minsk Agreement. The 2014 agreement was called Minsk I and the 2015 agreement Kominsk II. According to the agreement, fighting between the Ukrainian army and pro-Russian rebels will end. But it didn’t happen. These agreements were never fully implemented. European countries want to reinstate this agreement, so that peace remains. Russia alleges that Ukraine has not implemented it.

Earlier in the UNSC, Russia made big allegations against Western countries. “Yesterday the Vice President of Ukraine said that there would be no new legislation on the special status of the Donbass, so there would be no direct agreement,” Russia said. She also acknowledged that there would be any pressure on her by the West to implement the Minsk Agreement has not been inserted.” Russia said, “The only goal of the West (countries) is to organize a war. If this was not the case, the puppet government of Ukraine would have been forced to implement the Minsk Agreement long ago. Since this is not happening, we can say that.” Maybe the West wants war with Russia.”

On Russia-Ukraine tensions at the UNSC meeting in New York, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the primary responsibility of this council is to preserve peace and security. The most immediate threat to peace and security is Russia’s growing aggression against Ukraine. Blinken said that this crisis directly affects every member of this council and all countries of the world.

“Russia plans to make excuses for its attack. It could be a violent incident that Russia will make derogatory allegations against Ukraine or against the Ukrainian government,” he said.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that diplomacy is the only responsible way to resolve this crisis and an essential part of it is through the implementation of the Minsk Agreement.

The US said, “Russia can announce today that it will not invade Ukraine, but to tell the world clearly and simply. And then by sending its troops, tanks back to their barracks and hangars, and negotiating diplomats.” Let’s bring it to the table and demonstrate it.”