Unique baby born, people’s senses flew away!

England For every parent, their child is the most special. When a mother holds her newborn baby to her chest for the first time or a father lifts her in her lap, that moment becomes the most special moment of her life. But if the child of a parent is very special not only for them but also for the doctors, then it surprises everyone. Recently, as soon as a child was born, the hospital workers surprised everyone with their strange hair.

Archie Stone surprised everyone as soon as he was born on 6 October in Wokingham, England. Little Archie was born with thick hair that is white as snow. According to the report of The Daily Records, as soon as Archie was born, the doctors and nurses present in the hospital were surprised. Everyone gathered to see him. The child’s 34-year-old mother, Gemma Stone, said that Archie’s older brother and sister also had white hair, but not as much as Archie’s. He told that doctors and nurses used to come to see him from the time he was born till he was in the hospital. Not only this, the nurse used to walk the child throughout the hospital because she found him very cute.

Gemma and her husband Ash’s eldest son Kay is 10 years old while daughter Lily is 4 years old. Gemma told that during the birth of the three children, she used to have a lot of acidity and burning sensation in the stomach. That’s why they feel that their children’s hair has turned white due to acidity. Now when she comes out on the streets with her child, even unknown people are surprised to say how dense and white she is after her child. He said that if Archie had only had his older siblings, then his hair would also remain blond until he grew up. Recently, Gemma went with her child to a family function where everyone was staring at her while many people praised her thick white hair.