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Today’s horoscope 9 October 2023

Today’s horoscope  ( horoscope) 9 October 2023
The tasks should be tried to do engraving, because this time the boss can ask you questions on your failures in the office. The day can prove to be fruitful for traders working towards profits. The hard work of the youth will help them reach their goals, today karma and luck can help you in getting success. Try to fulfill your responsibilities towards the family, do not give the elders a chance to complain on their behalf. People who are ill, even day can pass in illness, there will be no special change in health.
You have to pay attention to the whole tasks with the mind and if you give any advice or suggestion, then implement it. The day is going to be beneficial for you. It would be good to start a new work. If you have problems like knee pain, leg pain, etc., then take medical consultation. You can get the full support of siblings, you can plan to go to a picnic etc. with your family members.
Your coordination will remain with your officials in the field. There can be discussion among themselves about a future plan. If you are thinking of transacting money with someone, do not do this at all, otherwise you may get into trouble in future. If you are going on the journey, then go with full preparation and go by your vehicle, then first get the vehicle checked or else there may be trouble. The cooperation of colleagues in the field will work and your confidence will also increase. You can get economic benefits from the in -laws’ side.
You will have to be careful with the use of quick vehicles and do not take any decision in charge, otherwise the problem may be. The day is going to be favorable for you. Those who are looking for a job, they can get to hear some auspicious information. Students will pave the way for higher education. Today, there will be an opportunity to meet some influential people and some special information will also be found. You will get a new identity at the social level. Because of this, there will be cheerfulness and energy in the mind.
If you are starting work on a new scheme, then you will get success in it. The day is beneficial. You will feel happy to see the child doing good work. Today you can get auspicious information from a relative living abroad. Students will get success in financially made efforts. If there is any controversy in the office, try to resolve and avoid lengthening it. The day will be beneficial in financial matters. Money can be obtained.
It may seem a bit difficult to finish the tasks for traders who have started new work. The youth should make hard work your friend instead of laziness, because only hard work can help you reach your goal. Avoid more conversation with the upper post in the office, more sweetness also causes sourness to the relationship. If a disputed case is going on about ancestral property, then adopt caution in court matters. Today an achievement can be achieved, which will be very beneficial for you financially. You will also be interested in some other information. There will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house due to the auspicious information related to education and career of children.
If you invest money in the stock market, then it will definitely get good benefits in future. The day will be for you to earn a name by joining spiritual work. Any work can bring happiness for you. Do not trust anyone’s things in the family, otherwise a situation of debate may arise. Contributing to social work will increase your identity. Along with your popularity, the scope of public relations will increase. There will be a profitable meeting with some political people. A plan can be made to do religious work at home.
It would be good for you to start a new work. The day is going to be beneficial for you. If you have problems like knee pain, leg pain, etc., then take medical consultation. You will get complete support from siblings, you can plan to go to a picnic etc. with family members.
You will not mind in worldly things. There may be a dispute in the marriage on the common things. Be careful in court work. There may be a dispute with someone in a social program. Do not start new work. There will be lack of physical energy. There will be mental anxiety. Spirituality will give you mental peace. Any problem going on for some time is going to be solved, students associated with sports will get profitable opportunities. If a government matter is stopped, it is expected to speed up.
You will get disturbed in the success of work. The colleagues will not get help in the office. Man will be in any worry today. There may be a dispute between a married couple. Maintain peace in the family. Be careful with the work of participation in business. Drive vehicles etc. carefully. You may have to go out for a job and business meeting. Today challenges will remain, confidence will also provide you with the ability to fight with them. You will get proper results from the efforts you made. There will be opportunities for reconciliation with friends or relatives and will also talk on special issues.
It would be beneficial to deal with important tasks in the first part of the day. The situation is not very favorable. Avoid someone from getting involved in religious and political disputes. You have to face some technical problems in jobs and businessesCan fall. Wanting working on a new scheme or wanting to invest, otherwise you may have to bear the loss with trouble. Be aware and cautious with opponents. You will participate in the work related to Dharma Karma.
You need to be conscious of the health of your family members. The day is going to be normal for you. The old transaction will become a headache for you. You can bring a gift for a spouse. You will also try to get benefits by taking risks in business, which will also get success. Health will improve. In the field of education, students will have to focus on studies, the mind will distract, which needs to be controlled
Pt Subhash Pandey