
today’s (today’s)horoscope 9 july 2023

today’s (today’s) horoscope 9 july 2023
The day will not be pleasant. Colleagues may disagree with you about something. Take care of your spouse’s health. Do not consume intoxicants. Do take time out for marital relations. Some important decision will have to be taken suddenly.
Money will have to be spent on family members. Respect the feelings of the spouse. Good news can be found. People associated with heavy industries can get excellent monetary benefits. Health of sick people will improve. You will get success in the work done with patience.
It will be beneficial for you to take advice from a well wisher. Do not give much importance to the words of others. Business goals will be completed on time. Will be happy with the progress of children, can invest in shares or land.
You should keep good behavior. Some devious people may create wrong impression against you. Keep distance from imaginary thoughts. Do not speak bitter words. Today your work will be intermittent. The enemy side may suddenly become active against you.
Will meet old friends today. Do not share confidential things with anyone. There is a possibility of blood pressure problem. Keep routine disciplined. There will be concern about respect. You can gift it to your spouse. Curb the wrong tendencies of the child.
You will be loyal. All the circumstances are in your favor at this time. Life partner will play the role of a good friend of yours. You can share your mind with them. Keep your mind calm. The people of the house will be very happy with you.
Will complete the necessary work. Will be happy today. Your creative ability will increase. If there was any kind of fear in the mind then it can go away. Can plan for a religious trip. There will be a sense of respect and reverence towards the elders.
Pay serious attention to the advice of a close friend. There is a possibility of some problem regarding the child. House construction works will be completed soon. Disappointment can be in hand in love related matters. People associated with the field of sports can get respect.
Due to unnecessary eating, today there can be a problem of burning sensation in the stomach and chest. It would be best to do yoga and pranayama. Students should not be negligent about studies. Due to non-completion of work, the mind can be disappointed. You may feel lack of confidence.
Investing in an online business can be huge. Students can get big benefits. People will have full faith in you. Students taking education abroad will have to face some difficulties. The relationship of unmarried people will be fixed.
Negligence can be heavy during the journey. The day is very good in terms of family life. Taking guidance from elders will be beneficial. May be a little worried about elder siblings. Don’t waste time.
Can go for a walk. There will be an increase in wealth and property. Will spend good time with family. Everything in business will seem to be going according to you. This will also increase your confidence. Today you are going to be very happy. There can be conversation with friends.
P Subhash Pandey