Today’s Horoscope 5 October 2022


Charity and charitable work done on this day will give you mental peace and comfort. Your unrealistic plans may drain your wealth. Someone may try to harm you. Many strong forces are working against you

Your generous nature will bring you many happy moments today. Financially, there will be improvement as the day progresses. Homework that has been postponed for some time can take some time for you. It is possible that today your eyes will be wide open to someone – if you rise and sit in your social circle.

You need to keep your weight under control through regular exercise. Avoid fried things. Today, if you invest following the advice of others, then financial loss is almost certain. Your life partner will help you and will prove to be helpful. Your loved one’s mood may be upsetting today.

Some family members may become a cause of annoyance to you due to their jealous nature. But there is no need to lose your temper, otherwise the situation may become uncontrollable. Remember, it is better to accept what cannot be corrected. There is a need to be careful while speaking and doing financial transactions.

The elderly have a special need to take care of their health. A good day for real estate and financial transactions. Your life partner’s health may cause stress and anxiety. Keep your passion under control, otherwise it can put your love relationship in trouble.

The health of the mate needs proper attention and care. Your unrealistic plans may drain your wealth. The burden of family responsibilities will increase, which can give you stress. The feeling of love is beyond experience, but today you will be able to catch some glimpse of this intoxication of love.

Meditation and yoga will be useful for physical and mental benefits. You may spend a little more on others. Your warm behavior will make the atmosphere of the house pleasant. Few people can escape the charm of a person who has such a sweet smile. When you are with people, your fragrance will spread like flowers

If you are in a love relationship, then you can think of investing somewhere with your partner so that the future of both becomes strong. Someone in the house can come to know about your relationship. There will be unnecessary expenditure. Health will be weak. There will be non-cooperation from the spouse. There will be worry and tension. Do not be hasty and careless in transactions.

Interest in tantra-mantra will be awakened. You will get the benefit of satsang. Business will increase. Will get political support. Opportunities for profit will come. Success will come from all sides. It is time to do your job, so on this day you will get encouragement about your work and there is a strong possibility of getting promotion. The students of the school will be looking for some guidance for themselves.

Keep softness in nature because someone can prick your words. Due to this, the relationship can also come on the verge of breaking up. Although you will not mind to hurt their heart, but inadvertently right, they can take it on their heart. There are chances of getting stuck money, keep trying. Travel will be beneficial. Luck will support you. Employment will increase. Income will increase.

If your children have grown up, your love for them will increase. You can also try to do something special for them. State support will be received. Opportunities for profit will come. Success will come from all sides. Happiness will increase. Health can be affected due to busyness.

You may have to go on a trip for business, in which there will be new agreements. Financially, the situation will be better, but you may have to buy something with your savings. In such a situation, do not hesitate and invest money once. Self-respect will remain. You will get good news. Guests will arrive. Happiness will increase. There will be a desire to do some big work. no hurries.

P Subhash Pandey