Today’s Horoscope 20 July 2022

Someone can oppose you. Participate in public works. Avoid replying to anyone. Controversy is likely. You can go to attend satsang. Can spend in religious activities. Your income will be stable. Don’t waste time on unnecessary tasks. There will be a feeling of spiritual happiness today. You may face vehicle related problems. The career of youth will progress. People associated with the medical field are likely to benefit. Will pique the curiosity of children. You may meet your friends. Avoid using harsh words. Try to spend time with your spouse.
Today there will be a situation of monetary gains. The day will be very wonderful, you can organize a party with your friends. Income will increase. You can get good profits and big deals in business. Students can take part in any competition in the school. You can gather the means of entertainment, the couple will plan to travel. Your social status will be good. Will help you financially. People associated with the media can be promoted. There will be great responsibility in the job. Your work will progress with the help of colleagues.
There will be no harmony between husband and wife. There may be a dispute with someone today. Ideology can affect your work. You can meet your relatives, important matters will be discussed. Those whose health is bad, do not delay in taking the medicine. There can be an argument with the family members about some later. There are chances of promotion for the employed people. Today you can go to see a movie. Meet the needs of the children. Students can get admission in good institute for higher education. Career will progress. Government work is likely to be completed. Control your speech, do not use abusive words.
Will move towards spirituality. The day will be mixed. Arguments can happen during a meeting with an old friend. Health can deteriorate due to carelessness in the diet. Students will not feel like studying. Too much thinking can prove to be fatal for taking important decisions. You can invest in land or gold. Drive carefully, there is a risk of injury. Some work can go wrong with you. Mentally disturbed due to domestic dispute. Youth will have to struggle for career. Be alert from unknown people, you will get the support of your life partner.
May have to go to relatives’ house. Necessary work should be completed soon. There will be a meeting with the officers in the office. There may be a family dispute due to property dispute. Someone may take offense at your words. Control your talkative habit. Damage is likely. Stay away from fire and water. Enemy obstacle will affect your work. You can go for a walk with your spouse. The health of the elderly has to be taken care of. You can make up your mind to change jobs. Can travel by train. Your financial condition will be fine. There will be progress in business. Money can be lost in the affair of miscommunication.
Can help someone in need. Political people are likely to benefit today. You can get a big post, although you should keep an eye on the conspiracies of your opponents. Your social status will improve. You are likely to get good information today. Do not be careless in completing the pending tasks of the past. Blood pressure and sugar patients have to be careful. You may benefit from visiting religious places. Married life will be good. Students will get help from teachers. Officers may have to be scolded in the office. Do not be careless while driving. The ongoing problem related to health can be overcome.

Your wealth will increase. You can take time out to complete the pending tasks. There will be progress in your business. Those working in factories have to be careful. You can buy vehicles etc. You can be attracted to someone. You can study esoteric sciences. Those working in the field may face difficulties. Today you can spend the day laughing and joking with your spouse. Solve the problems of the children. Talks can be held with relatives living in other cities. Avoid wasting time in useless tasks. You can start a new project, do not be careless about health.
You will be able to fulfill your big responsibility as soon as you get spoiled work. Will be very happy The economic condition will improve, youth can get jobs. Happiness wealth will increase. There will be love and belongingness in married life. Leave the house only after taking the blessings of the parents. Those working in private offices can get promotion. You will be able to complete the stalled government work. Can spend time with friends. Don’t argue with anyone today. There is a possibility of a sudden dispute with someone. Maintain the sweetness of your voice. Students can get success in the examination. There will be progress in legal matters. You can go to satsang.
Acidity can be caused due to wrong diet. Adequate attention should be paid to the safety of your valuables along with being careful from the opponents. Be careful while traveling. Students will take interest in studies. People associated with the marketing field are likely to make substantial gains. Today you can get tired due to busyness. Business conditions will be good. Leave the company of the wrong people. Along with taking heart in the worship of the Lord, you will contribute in the religious work of a local relative. Interest in reading will be awakened. Youth will get guidance from experienced people. Will consider the proposal received earlier regarding investment. People doing jobs can get help from colleagues.
You may have an argument with a friend on a political issue. There may be respect for special work. Control anger. There is a possibility of intensifying parental disputes. Keep distance from unrighteous people. Stay away from addictions like intoxication, lottery. There is a possibility of spending more today. Can finalize big deals in business. May have to move to another city due to family work. You will be able to spend less time with life partner. Salaried people may have to wait for promotion. Young people will have to put in a lot of effort regarding their career. Avoid laziness, try to complete your work on time. There will be interaction with the officials.
Your wealth will increase. Would love to be in solitude. There is a possibility of getting new opportunities in the work field, you will be happy with the stalled work. Students can get admission for higher education in a good educational institution. You should not act without the advice of your spouse, otherwise you may suffer. Social status will be good, will go to attend some program. Do not be careless while traveling, carry the necessary documents with you. Risky work should be done with care. There can be good opportunities for people associated with the art field. There will be respect. Do not be careless about the safety of valuables. There may be trouble regarding health. Do not ignore the words of elders.
You may have to make rounds of government offices. It will be a busy day. There is a possibility of profit from previous investments. You may have to face a difficult situation. Your relatives are likely to come home. Do not be careless about the food. Overwork will cause fatigue. Acquaintances living abroad will be met, old things will be refreshed. There will be opportunities to increase income at the workplace. Today can be a stressful day for employed people, there can be an argument with a colleague. Take control of your thoughts. Don’t talk rudely to anyone. Health will be normal.
Pt. Subhash Pandey