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Today’s horoscope   ( horoscope)17 October 2023

Today’s horoscope  ( horoscope) 17 October 2023
There will be strength in marital relationship. You may be victorious in legal matters. There will be opportunities to expand your business. You will get success in creative work. The family atmosphere will be a bit emotional.
Control unnecessary expenses. Your work will not be completed on time. There may be lack of coordination with partners. You will handle situations very intelligently. Your work will be appreciated in the office. Do not react in others’ matters.
Your relationships with friends will become stronger. Don’t ignore children’s mistakes. There are chances of getting promotion in the workplace. There may be a complaint of stomach ache. There is a possibility of stress. People may find fault in your actions.
Income of people doing private jobs may increase. Legal matters will be in your favor. The beginning of the day will be a bit dull. Pain may arise in the knees. Changing strategies frequently in the workplace can be fatal for you.
You can plan to go on an entertaining trip with family members. The sense of dedication in marital relationships will increase. You can get back the money invested in some project. The day is very auspicious for travels. Can attend important meetings regarding work area.
Be careful while driving. Financial situation is going to be weak. There may be a fight with your lover due to some reason. Students may be careless in their studies. Do not maintain too many relations with strangers. Enemies will be active against you.
There is a possibility of people associated with real estate getting big contracts. There can be huge financial gains in business. Problems related to career will be resolved. Friendly relations with colleagues will be strengthened. You may come under a lot of pressure regarding relationships.
Enemies will try to harm you. People working in foreign companies may get higher positions. Your colleagues may get upset. There may be complaints of leg pain and muscle strain and pain. There is a possibility of loss in agricultural work. Don’t expect too much from others.
You will perform very well in social work. The environment around you will be very positive. You can go shopping for children. Investing in share market and other mediums will be beneficial. There will be concern for family members.
Will be busy in completing the incomplete tasks. The day will be good for you. Problems coming in business will be solved. You can bring changes in your lifestyle. Do not let jealousy arise in your mind towards anyone. Opponents will bow before you.
Try to complete all the tasks peacefully. Complete the tasks early in the morning. Unmarried people may get marital relations. You may have to take some decisions in business. You should be cautious of your opponents. You will get new experiences of life.
Officials may get angry with you. You can take advantage of old experiences today. Keep in mind the decorum of words during conversation. Health can deteriorate due to imbalance in diet. There will be weakness in hands and legs.
Pandit Subhash Pandey