Today’s Horoscope 15 November 2022

Try to stay away from arguments as much as possible. Avoid showing haste in work. The mind of the students may wander from studies. There will be favorable conditions in business and job. can get money
A program to visit with family can be made. Interest in academic work will increase. Travel for business will be beneficial. There will be harmony in married life. Work will be successful with the help of friends. Health good.
Your creative talent will come to the fore. Will guide the children. Time is best for love affairs. You can be busy in the works of public welfare. Use the vehicle carefully.
The mind will be in devotion to God. Do not sign any document without reading it. Students will spend their time studying. Workload may increase in the job. Sweetness in marriage.
Your dominance in the society will increase. There is a possibility of advancement in the job. The outline of any Manglik festival can be made in the family. Be aware of over-indulgence in food. Avoid travel
Some worries may surround you. Take care of the food according to the season. Students will get success only through hard work. It will be a pleasure to meet an old friend. You will get the love and support of parents.
Expenses on vehicle maintenance will increase. There will be an inclination towards moral values ​​and spirituality. You may be worried about the health of the mother. There will be progress in business. Can go for a walk with friends.
Wealth prosperity will increase. One can get the property of ancestors. There will be happiness in the family. You will get the benefit of new contacts. You will get important support of a dear friend.
Will be full of positive energy. Will respect the feelings of the spouse. Enemies may try to cause harm.
Being exposed to love affairs can hurt your reputation. Weather can spoil your health. Control your speech and anger. It is possible to buy a new item. The child will be under your command.
You can get good news from children. Spouse’s support will be beneficial. You will be attracted. Your attraction will increase. There is every possibility of getting employment for the unemployed. Officers will be happy with your work.
There will be profit from partnership in business. Control expenses. There may be a dispute with the family members over anything. Guests will arrive. Keep the court proceedings in abeyance.
P Subhash Pandey