Today. Horoscope of 28 February 2023

Use things you already have before buying anything. The good news received from children can make the day. You will suddenly find yourself drenched in the scent of roses. This is the intoxication of love, feel it. Don’t waste your precious time just planning, but take a step towards it and start executing it.
The attitude of friends will be supportive and they will keep you happy. Investment in jewelry and antiques will be profitable and will bring prosperity. Today you will feel lonely – and this loneliness will prevent you from taking wise decisions. Your energy level will be high – as your beloved will prove to be the reason for a lot of happiness for you.
To maintain your physical fitness, you can spend today in sports. Although money will slip easily from your grasp, your favorable stars will not let you suffer. No need to worry about child’s studies. The problems that you are facing right now are temporary and will go away on their own with time.
Lack of willpower can trap you in emotional and mental troubles. Today you need to focus on land, real-estate or cultural projects. Don’t let family tensions distract you. Bad times give us many things.
Pregnant women need to be careful in everyday activities. Not a good day to invest and invest money based on speculation. Children can disappoint you by not living up to the expectations. They need to be encouraged to make their dreams come true.
You need to control your emotions and get freedom from fear as soon as possible, as they can adversely affect your health and deprive you of enjoying good health. Do not spend excessively on the means of entertainment and luxury. Your charm and personality will win you some new friends.
Do not work against the interests of your family. You may not agree with their point of view, but surely your actions can create a lot of trouble. You should implement your plans in such a way that it acts as a beacon for others. New agreements may look profitable, but they may not bring the expected benefits.
Today you will be full of energy – whatever you do, you will be able to do it in half the time that you usually take. You will get profit by way of commission, dividend or royalty. It is the right time to tell your ambitions to your parents. They will support you. You also need to concentrate and work hard.
Your hard work and family support will be able to give desired results. But to maintain the pace of progress, keep working hard like this. Due to financial improvement, it will be easy for you to buy essential things. Old contacts and friends will be helpful.
There is a need to pay attention to health. Try to know in depth about the investment schemes that are attracting you – take expert advice before taking any step. Give enough time and attention to family life. Spending more time in the office can create problems on the domestic front.
Making an effort to improve yourself will pay off in more ways than one – you will feel better and more confident. Use your creative ideas for extra income. Family members will have special importance in your life. A sudden romantic encounter can create confusion for you.
The family has high expectations from you, due to which you may feel irritated. You will be full of energy during the day and it is possible that suddenly you will get unseen profits. The atmosphere of gaiety in the house will reduce tensions. Participate fully in it and do not remain a mere spectator.
P Subhash Pandey