This creation is the manifestation of Saguna Brahman

New Delhi: Before Brahman nothing existed. This creation is the manifestation of Saguna Brahman in different forms. Thus Brahman is the cause of the entire creation and Brahman is the collective name of Prakriti and Purusha. Purusha creates this universe and nature directs it.

Saguna Brahma also needs some material to make the universe, just like a potter needs clay to make his pottery. The potter gets his clay from the earth. So has Saguna Brahma also received material from someone else? The material and its master from which the Saguna Brahman had borrowed must have existed before the Saguna Brahman came into existence, and that this master is greater than the Saguna Brahman has to be accepted. Otherwise this Saguna could not be available to Brahman.

It has already been accepted that Brahman is without cause. Nothing existed before Brahman and therefore the material out of which the universe is made could not have existed before Brahman. What could be the material from which Saguna Brahma created this universe, if there was nothing before or outside it? The universe, which so clearly exists, could not have been created from nothing. The only material available to Saguna Brahman for creation was his own form. Therefore it has to be accepted that this creation is only Saguna Brahman, which we find in the universe. The entire universe has been created from Saguna Brahman. Only Saguna Brahman has appeared in the form of this creation. So is it not correct to say that Saguna Brahman is omnipresent?

To say that Brahman exists in a book means that the book is a separate entity and that Brahman resides in that entity. It gives the appearance of two separate entities—the Brahman and the Book, which appears to be outside the Saguna Brahman. This is completely wrong, because it has already been established that everything is made of Brahman; It has taken the form of everything. Therefore, the correct thing would be that the book is Brahman or it has also taken the form of a book. This shows that Book and Brahma are not two separate entities and that Book did not exist before Brahma. This is the correct expression, because Brahman is infinite and eternal and nothing can exist beyond or before it. The book could not have existed before Brahman. In fact nothing could have existed before Brahman. Every particle of dust is Brahma.

Brahman is the cause of the entire creation and is the collective name of Brahma, Prakriti and Purusha. Then who of the two creates the universe? We have to determine whether Purusha or Prakriti is the material out of which creation is made. Prakriti is a unique force—a principle whose sole function is to qualify the Purusha. Since nature is only a force, it cannot take shape. Otherwise she will lose her function of merit. Furthermore, if nature becomes creation, there must be a force or principle to give shape and form. The only other entity in Brahman, who can give a form to Prakriti, is Purusha. Purusha, who cannot even realize his existence without being worthy of Prakriti, cannot do the tremendous work of giving Prakriti the form of creation. From this it is clear that Prakriti does not assume the form of creation and leaves this task to Purusha, who could have taken these forms. Therefore the thing from which the whole creation is made is man.

Prakriti enables Purusha to give different forms and Purusha has to follow the directions of Prakriti. For example, a potter shapes a lump of clay according to his plan. A man of clay and a potter who bestows power can be compared to nature. Similarly, nature gives all these shapes to Purusha according to its will to create this universe. Purusha only follows the instructions of nature in creating this universe.

In all the various forms of creation the purusha alone is projected. Man is the thing from which everything is made. Man is consciousness; Therefore everything in this universe has consciousness. There is nothing that is raw, inanimate or without consciousness. The influence of nature makes it look like inanimate, raw matter, although it has consciousness. Therefore nothing in this world is raw; Everything is a metamorphic form of consciousness or Purusha.