The train blew up the car, the female driver did not get scratched

Dangerous Accidents: Many dangerous accidents happen at railway crossings. Many times people die painfully in these accidents. You can imagine that if a train collides with a train, it will turn into straw. In such a situation, if a person survives, then it will be ‘charisma of nature’. Some lucky people even dodge death.

One such incident has come to light from England, where a woman dodged even death. In this event, seeing the condition of the car, you would say without thinking that the driver of the car would not have survived in any case. But the female driver driving this car did not even get scratched. The incident happened at a railroad crossing in Essex.
A woman named Sandra Resco was taking the car. That’s when he lost control of his car before the railway crossing. The woman says that there was so much snow that her car started slipping. She was applying the brakes, but the car went out of her control.

The woman told that she was trying to stop the car even before the railway crossing, but due to slippage, her car reached the railway track. After this his car went straight and stopped on the railway track. The woman told that as soon as her car stopped on the railway track, she saw the train coming. All this happened so quickly that he did not even get time to think.

After this, not knowing where did the power come from in her body that she came out of the car with a jerk. She had just got out of the car when the train hit the car hard. This collision was so terrible that half of the car got blown up and half the car slipped from the railway track and came out. In this accident, the entire rear part of the car was destroyed. From this you can guess that if there was a delay of even a second, Sendra would have lost her life.