The threat of terrorism is serious and real – Ruchira Kamboj

United Nations. India has expressed concern over the spread of terrorism especially in the regions of Africa and Asia. During this, while indirectly attacking Pakistan, he said that by drawing the attention of the countries giving shelter to the terrorists, they should be held responsible for their acts.

India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj said, “The threat of terrorism is serious and real. Sadly, it continues to spread, especially in Africa and Asia, despite the best efforts for cooperation between countries.

Kamboj said at an ambassadorial-level briefing of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism on Tuesday that the threat of terrorism can be dealt with through sustained and multi-pronged action by the international community. Indirectly targeting Pakistan, he said, “Countries that lack the capabilities to deal with the menace of terrorism should be helped, while countries that give shelter to terrorists should be held accountable for their acts.”

‘Need to stop the spread of terrorism immediately’
Describing the spread of terrorism as a worrying trend and the need to stop it immediately, Kamboj said that divisive discourse should be set aside. He said, ‘We should avoid the classification of terrorism. Words like ‘rightist’ or ‘leftist’ or ‘extreme rightist’ or ‘extreme leftist’ are misused with vested interests.

Kamboj said that the global counter-terrorism strategy should get the support of all the member states. He said, ‘India strongly condemns all kinds of terrorist attacks irrespective of religion, faith, culture, caste. Similarly, we condemn terrorist attacks motivated by fear of Islam, fear of Christianity, anti-Jewish, anti-Sikh, anti-Buddhist, anti-Hindu prejudices.