The stone could collide with the Earth’s orbit next week.

Often such incidents happen in space which startle humans. However, scientists do not express concern over every incident. They come to know that from which incidents the people of the earth are in danger and from which they are not. But recently, scientists have made such an announcement regarding a huge stone, due to which they are also worried and humans also need to be worried, however, there is no need to panic because it is not yet certain that this incident will happen. !

The American Space Agency NASA has been engaged in tracking a huge stone for a long time. Now the news has come that this stone can enter the earth’s orbit and coming very close to the earth can collide with it. This giant asteroid has been named 199145 (2005 YY128). This stone is about 1 kilometer wide. Scientists have said that by next week this stone can hit the Earth’s orbit.

Stone will pass near the earth, scientists expressed this possibility
This asteroid is being said to be big from 1870 to 4265 feet. NASA believes that by February 16, this stone will come close to 4.5 million kilometers of the Earth, but NASA is not sure whether the stone will collide with the Earth’s orbit or not, and whether it will be able to affect the Earth or not. In such a situation, he has made it clear that there is no need to panic.
A stone had passed some time ago
Recently, another asteroid had passed very close to the Earth. According to the report, 2023 BU was detected on January 21 and it passed over South America on January 27 at 12.30 am. This stone came out from a distance of 3500 kilometers from the earth. This means that this stone had come 10 times closer than the world’s telecommunication satellites. There was no harm from this stone because its size was from 11 feet to 28 feet only and stones smaller than 82 feet get burnt as soon as they enter the earth’s atmosphere.