The queen of pirates also made relations with ‘son’ for strength

Such is the story of a woman from China, who is full of incidents of power-hungry, stubbornness, deceit and tarnished relationships. Ching Xi, who became the queen of pirates from sex worker, became the era of Portuguese and Chinese soldiers in the sea in the 18th century. The craze of power was on his head so much that the ‘power’ of the pirates did not go out of hand, so he did not hesitate to have an illicit relationship with his own adopted son

Ching Xi was born in Guangdong, Xinhui in 1775. Ching Xi became a sex worker at the age of only 6. At that time, prostitution was common among ships stationed at ports. Ching Xi used to do prostitution among the pirates. That’s why she was already famous among the pirates, but no one had any idea that one day she would rule over these robbers.
A pirate named Zheng Yi met Ching Xi. It was during this meeting that Zheng Yi fell in love with Ching Xi, and the two married in 1801. A deal was reached for the marriage that Ching Xi would have half the right on Zheng Yi’s winnings. It was only after this marriage that Zheng Yi adopted Zhang Bao Sai, a boy from a fisherman family.

Zheng Yi died in 1807. He was 42 years old at that time. Ching Xi wanted him to have control over the bandits at all costs. But since it was the custom among pirates that no woman could become a leader, the reins came in the hands of adopted son Zhang Bao. But Ching Xi also trapped Zhang Bao in such a way that he would do what Ching Xi would say, that is, Zhang Bao was a leader in name only, the real power remained in the hands of Ching Xi.

Historians say that Ching Xi also had illicit relations with his adopted son, Zhang Bao. Zhang Bao was a leader by name only. In 1810, Ching Xi had to surrender to the Qing Empire. After this she married Zhang Bao. Ching Xi and Zhang Bao also gave birth to a son and a daughter named Zhang Yulin. Zhang Bao died in 1822 at the age of 36.

Ching Xi is known as the most barbaric punishment woman in the world of pirates. If a pirate misbehaved with a woman in the coastal area, her ears were cut off. They were even made to be stripped naked and killed in front of other bandits. Ching Xi, who brought destruction to pirates including many empires, died under mysterious circumstances while sleeping at the age of 69.