The girls abducted the laborer and raped him.

Kidnapping and Rape: You must have heard many incidents of kidnapping and rape in our society. It is a matter of shame for any country and society. However, today we are going to tell you such a case of rape, which is amazing in itself. We claim that you have never come across such a story before and the police were also stunned after hearing this complaint.

The laborer working in the factory has complained to the police that 4 girls first abducted him and then took him to the forest and raped him and left him there to die. This is a strange case in itself. This case pertains to Jalandhar in Punjab and the person who has made this allegation works in a leather factory.

Kidnapped in car
According to Mirror’s report, the factory worker claims that he was stopped on the way by girls traveling in a white car. At that time he was going on foot. The girls were talking in English, then they asked him for an address in Punjabi. While he was reading the leaflet with the address, a girl sprayed a spray in his eye. He lost his sight and when his eyes opened, he was sitting in the car with his eyes closed. They took him to the forest and made him drink strong liquor. The laborer claims that the girls also raped him and assaulted him for several hours.

Police started investigation
The laborer claims that this process continued till 3 in the morning. They left him there with his hands tied. Somehow he reached his home. The laborer told the whole thing to his wife, after which she advised him not to complain to the police. Although the laborer himself went and told the whole thing to the police. According to the complaint, a gang of 4 girls raped her and left her to die in the forest. The Punjab Police has also registered a case and started investigating the matter.