
Terrorist attacks in Europe..(Europe..) 

Baba Venga: Who would be there in the whole world who is not familiar with the name of Baba Venga?(Europe..)  Baba Venga, born Bulgarian mystic Angelia Pandeva Gushterova, died 26 years ago in 1996. But the predictions made by him continue to be true even today, although there is no concrete evidence to verify it.
Baba Venga had extraordinary ability to predict. Because of this he is known as “Nostradamus of the Balkans”. The prophecies he made have proven to be 85 percent correct, although his prophecies are written only as “words of wisdom.” But many people around the world still believe in his predictions.

He has also made some shocking predictions for 2024, these predictions are quite dangerous and scary. It contains many predictions ranging from attempts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin to terrible natural disasters.

He has made seven predictions for 2024-

1. Attempt to assassinate Putin
It cannot be denied that Putin has been attacked many times with the intention of murder. Baba Venga had said that by next year he would be assassinated by someone from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s own country.

2. Terrorist attacks will increase in Europe
Baba Vanga had declared 2024 as the year of dangerous weapons. He had said that ‘a big country’ would test or attack biological weapons. He has also predicted that terrorist attacks will be carried out in Europe.

3. The world will struggle with climate crisis
Baba Venga has predicted that natural disasters and bad weather will wreak havoc on the earth by next year. There will be a change in the Earth’s orbit, which usually happens over a very long period of time, however, if it happens soon, it could lead to the havoc of climate change. Radiation will also start showing its dangerous effects on the earth.

4. Huge economic crisis
Baba predicts that a big economic crisis is going to come next year. He has highlighted many factors. He said that the level of debt in the world will increase, geopolitical tensions will also pose a threat, and most importantly the shift of economic power from the West to the East.

5. Cyber crime
Baba Venga has also predicted an increase in cyber attacks. He said advanced hackers can directly attack critical infrastructure like power grids and water treatment plants, which can affect a large part of the world’s population. He also talked about the threat to national security from hackers.

6. Treatment of cancer and Alzheimer’s
Baba has talked about great progress in medical science. Talked about inventing new treatments for incurable diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. He also predicted that there would be a cure for cancer in 2024.

7. Revolution in technology
He had talked about a major breakthrough in quantum computing.