Teacher used to make students ‘victim’ by sending nude photos

Missouri America: While the teacher is given the status of God, on the other hand, a case of abusive behavior of a lady teacher has come to the fore. The woman’s handiwork came to the fore when she sent a nude photo to a student and called her in the car and had a relationship with her. In the same way, the lady teacher used to become her victim to other students as well.

This incident is from Missouri, USA. A lady teacher teaching in a school here used to do wrong things with her own students. After the matter came to light, there was a stir in the whole school. The story of the lady teacher’s action became viral on social media as well. The school also fired him from his job.

The lady teacher sent her nude photo to one of her students and called her in the car and made a relationship with her. During this, when the parents of that student got suspicious, they inquired. The student’s parents reached out to the police and investigation started. During the interrogation of the investigating officers, the student admitted that he had made a relationship with the teacher at the behest and under pressure.

After this, the police saw the teacher’s messages in the child’s mobile. In the message, the teacher had sent her nude photo and some obscene things were also written along with it. The student told the police that the teacher had made a relationship with him in a car on the bank of a river. During this, the teacher was drinking alcohol and gave it to him too, but he had refused to drink alcohol.

According to the information, this case is three years old. But in this case the court has now given its decision. The accused teacher was convicted of having an affair with three of his students and has been sent to jail for 20 years. This news has once again remained in the discussion.