People disappearing in China for not obeying the government

Beijing. The disappearance of tennis player Peng Shuai, who has leveled sexual harassment allegations against a former top Communist Party functionary, has made headlines around the world, including in the media. Such cases have come to the fore in China as well. After a matter is discussed here, people disappear forever and they never get any news. This time there is resentment among the people due to the disappearance of famous Chinese player Peng. Local people have told that there are many such cases where political dissidents, entertainment people, businessmen and other such people who did not listen to the authorities disappeared forever.

Nearly two weeks ago, Chinese authorities ignored Grand Slam doubles champion Peng’s online allegations, following outrage in the tennis world and the global media. Peng said that she was sexually assaulted by Zhang Gaoli, a former vice-president and member of the party’s most powerful Politburo Standing Committee. Former Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli (now 75 years old. Former world number one Peng (35), who won women’s doubles at Wimbledon in 2013 and French Open in 2014, has also participated in the Olympics thrice. In Beijing The winter game is to start from February 4 and in this context, the disappearance of Peng is further discussed.

Peng wrote in a lengthy social media post on November 2 that Zhang tried to forcibly have a physical relationship with her three years ago even though she repeatedly refused. The post was soon removed from his verified account on the social media platform Weibo. However, screenshots of this sensational revelation spread on the Internet in China. To say that China is a ‘law by law’ nation, but ultimately the hold of the country is with the Communist Party and there are many dark areas of enforcement. Control over the press and social media makes it possible for officials to keep reports of people missing behind closed doors. Even before Peng, many famous people suddenly disappeared, including business leader Jack Ma and popular actress Fan Bingbing.

Jack Ma, the founder of the world’s largest e-commerce company Alibaba Group, in a speech in October 2020 called regulators too conservative and has not been seen in public since. Two months later, in January 2020, he appeared in a video released by Alibaba but did not tell anything about his disappearance. Phan also went missing for three months, after which news came that tax officials asked her and her companies to pay $130 million in taxes and fines.

Similarly, business woman Duan Weihang also went missing in 2017. Her husband told that four years later as he was preparing to publish a book exposing corruption in the rich classes of China, he got a call from his wife asking him not to get the book published. Real estate businessman Ren Zhiqiang disappeared in March 2020 after criticizing President Xi Jinping for his handling of the coronavirus. Later in the same year he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption.