Pakistani soldiers could not fire even one

China: Pakistan is completely dependent on China for weapons and now this dependence has become a problem for Pakistan. Recently, battle tanks and artillery guns purchased from China have proved to be useless, but all these weapons have proved to be unsuccessful in testing, due to which Pakistan has suffered a major setback. The condition of these weapons is so bad that they could not even be fired.

In fact, according to reports, the North Industries Corporation of China has stopped the supply of guns due to the failure of these Chinese weapons in Pakistan. Apart from this, the production of battle tanks has also been stopped and now it is being investigated why they failed.

The concern of Pakistan is that the tanks and guns which failed in the trial itself and how will the army work going forward. It is worth noting that in order to increase its weapons stock, Pakistan had recently procured 8 artillery guns from China, but when they were tried in Sonmiani, Pakistan, they could not fire. If Pakistan complained to Chinese companies about the failure of weapons in the trials of these weapons, now an investigation has been set up.

big order from pakistan
Significantly, Pakistan used to buy most of the weapons from the US, but in the last few years it has increased its dependence on China. Pakistan had ordered the supply of 203 mm artillery guns to China.
According to the information, 8 guns were supplied in the initial consignment, but they got jammed and could not fire at all. The special thing is that the Pakistani army was planning that if their performance is better, then a big order will be given to China, but this setback has disappointed it.