orange in sri lanka rs 1100 kg

Situation in Sri Lanka: The situation in Sri Lanka has still not improved. Burdened under the burden of China’s debt, Sri Lanka is slowly trying to recover, but it is not so easy to do so. The high prices of the things of daily need have broken the back of the people. Also, there is no visible roadmap to get out of this situation.

The condition of Pakistan today was similar to that of Sri Lanka some time ago. In Sri Lanka, the long-standing economic chaos and bad policies resulted in the country’s biggest economic crisis. The situation got so bad that the country was declared bankrupt. Even after a long time has passed since this incident, the situation has not changed.
The situation in Sri Lanka is so bad that people are continuously demonstrating on the streets. Businessmen are facing problems due to power cuts. Due to this hundreds of people still remain hungry. Being trapped in China’s debt trap, Sri Lanka was already moving towards poverty, Sri Lanka’s condition worsened due to the Corona epidemic.
Due to the exhaustion of foreign exchange reserves in the country, the import of essential commodities came to a standstill. At the same time, due to the uproar in the political corridors, the President also ran away from the country. The Russia-Ukraine war also added fuel to this fire.
Even in 2023, the situation in Sri Lanka remains the same. Food insecurity, poverty, livelihood crisis and shortage of essential goods deepened the concern. Due to all this, the poorest and weakest section of China is being affected.
Like Pakistan, these days severe power cuts are going on in China too. Power supply is being cut for at least 10-10 hours every day. Due to which the businessmen are suffering a lot.
Talking about inflation in Sri Lanka, there has been a decrease in the inflation rate as compared to last year, but still it is very difficult to live in it. With food shortages and rising prices, a section of the population is unable to meet their daily needs. Talking about the cost of daily food items in Sri Lanka, milk – Rs 420 a liter, Potato – Rs 341 a kg, Rice – Rs 227 a kg, Chicken – Rs 1312 a kg, Tomato – Rs 412 a kg, Egg – Rs 48 a piece , Orange – getting Rs 1082 per kg.