Omicron variant will kill millions of people worldwide

New York: After the appearance of the Omicron variant, questions have started arising in the minds of people around the world that how deadly and fast this virus spreads, is it more contagious than the delta variant, are people who have taken the Kovid-19 vaccine too. Can you come across it? To know the answers to all such questions, all the scientists of the world are engaged in their efforts. In fact, after the identification of the Omicron variant in South Africa, the World Health Organization has described it as a very serious and infectious variant. The World Health Organization says that many medical experts and scientists are investigating this virus and the facts about it will come out within a few days or weeks.

Many epidemiologists said that there are solid facts that the Omicron variant can reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine. Because more mutations have been found in this variant than the previous two variants. Omicron has 26 specific mutations and many of these mutations can target the antibodies developed by the vaccine.

Earlier, the delta variant spread rapidly within a few months, which killed millions of people worldwide. John Murry, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Will Cornell Medical College in New York, said that the biggest question facing us right now is how fast Omicron spreads compared to Delta, and we need to know this.

Medical experts say that, with the help of public databases, scientists are trying to know how many cases of Omicron variants have been reported compared to the delta variant. It may take 2 to 3 days, from this it will be known how fast this variant spreads. At the same time, scientists are also trying to know whether the Omicron variant can eliminate the protection provided by the vaccine. In this regard, the data of blood samples of vaccinated people will be taken from the lab test, so that it will be found out that the new variant has affected the antibodies.

David Ho, a professor of microbiology at Columbia University in New York, believes that the Omicron variant has been shown to show a ‘substantive degree of resistance’. This has been found after a study based on the location of mutations in the spike protein of the virus. Therefore, studies are being done about whether the vaccine will be able to work against this variant.

At the same time, John Vary, director of the Penn Institute of Immunology in Philadelphia, says that with the help of vaccination, there will be no need for hospitalization. At the same time, another medical expert said that it may take 3 to 4 weeks to know the effects of the vaccine against Omicron and all the scientists are making efforts in this direction.