Oceans must be included in climate agreements

There has been a lot of discussion on the emission of greenhouse gases in climate change, but all of them are mainly related to emissions only on land. Surprisingly, it has not even included the role of the oceans, while oceans have absorbed more than 90 percent of the anthropogenic gases emitted so far. They are playing a more effective role in preventing the climate from overheating. This time the oceans were not included in COP26 as effectively as their role.

In the recently held Glasgow Climate Conference, there was more effort to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, that is, there was more emphasis on the atmosphere. This agreement also did not appear to properly underline the role of the oceans in the climate system. In this, where many countries expressed their intention to control emissions from land, but no targets were made for the oceans. But the oceans play an important role in balancing the environment, which is necessary for the survival of humans. It even has an important role in stopping the processes of warming the earth.

The potential of the oceans has always been overlooked, as evidenced by the fact that since the era of industrialization, the oceans themselves have absorbed 93 percent of human-generated heat. It comprises a third of the total human-generated carbon dioxide. Its effects were very deep. This led to the thermal expansion of water, which increased the sea level, acidified the oceans, lost oxygen and caused many ocean creatures to change their homes. One danger from this was that it reduced the ability of the oceans to absorb gases.
That is why it is necessary that there should be necessary changes in the marine industry. At present, the ship industry alone is emitting carbon footprint produced by Germany. If considered as one country, the ship industry is the sixth largest emitter in the world. Although it is at the top of the agenda of the International Maritime Organization, targets have not been set to reduce emissions caused by ships. Currently, food systems emissions-based agriculture, fishing, and processed food are responsible for one third of the world’s emissions.
Eating the right seafood can also be beneficial for the environment. This includes fish food with sustainable management techniques. The market and technology should be used to manage the mass production and consumption of sea grass. It may be beneficial to restore and protect marine ecosystems such as carbon dioxide-absorbing mangroves, sea grasses and salt marshes. But such systems depend heavily on the health of the ocean system. Plastic pollution is greatly affecting the CO2 absorption capacity of the oceans.
In this, about 1.5 tenth of the amount of emissions reduction could be reduced to achieve the target. The International Energy Agency estimates that coastal wind can give the world 18 times more energy than the current rate. Truth be told, the oceans have not been seriously involved in climate negotiations for a decade. Where he has been part of all negotiations, including COP26, concerns about sea level rise in coastal areas as a result of climate change. The Glasgow Conference recognized the importance of ensuring the integrity of ocean ecosystems.
The Glasgow Conference established a dialogue on oceans and climate change to strengthen ocean-based initiatives. In this, several faculties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change were invited to consider it. At present, no decision has been taken to do any binding work for anyone. For the first time in five years, the “Cause of the Oceans” manifesto was issued.
It has become necessary that all the countries of the world take responsibility for reporting climate impacts within their maritime borders. But a lot remains to be done, the need to make laws for the marine regions is increasing now. It is necessary to have a basic blueprint on the basis of which it can be decided how finance for the oceans will be determined. However, the climate action for the oceans has not been ensured in COP26, which is very important.