Now you can taste the food by licking the TV screen

Tokyo: Scientists in Japan have developed a lickable TV screen, which will allow you to taste food on the screen. Meiji University student Yuki Hou, during his performance at the university, licked a screen of Test the TV (TTTV), a prototype likable TV screen with the ability to accurately mimic the tastes of different foods.

The device, called Taste the TV (TTTV), uses a carousel of 10 flavor canisters that are used to flavor a particular food. The taste sample is then made available to the audience on a flat TV screen.

Professor Homi Miyashita of Meiji University said that in the era of Kovid-19, such technology can enhance the way we connect and interact with the outside world. Professor Miyashita works with a team of about 30 students who have produced a variety of taste-related devices, including a fork that enriches the flavor of food.

He said that he himself built the TTTV prototype over the past year, the commercial version of which will cost around $875 (approximately Rs 65,970). Miyashita is also in talks with companies about using its spray technology, such as a device that can bring pizza or chocolate flavor to a slice of toasted bread.