Now China is trying to spy on the world?

Beijing: China is preparing to launch about 13,000 satellites in space. The Ministry of Science and Technology of the Chinese government has given instructions to make small satellites. Western media have reported China’s move as important and expressed concern about spying on countries like America. The company that has been given the responsibility of this work in China says that the main goal of the mission is to establish a sovereign in low Earth orbit.

China’s State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND) has given instructions to make small satellites. A group of satellites may be able to provide surveillance over much of the Earth and strengthen Internet facilities. In this way, China wants to send the message that it mainly wants to strengthen its 5G network services through this mission.

According to the report published in the international media, all these satellites to be launched by China will orbit in low Earth orbit like the satellites of SpaceX-Starlink company. China is also preparing to strengthen 5G network through this mission. A total of 12,992 satellites to be launched by China will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 498.897 km to 1144.24 km. China has given contracts to companies to build satellite centers in China’s southwestern province of Chongqing to make satellites. A company called Comsat has said that the main goal of the mission is to establish dominance in low-Earth orbit along with making a place in the world of competing frequencies.

Foreign agencies monitoring China’s space missions say that what China wants to achieve through these satellites is a secret. However, space scientists along with the world’s security agencies are concerned about this big mission of China. On the other hand, independent defense experts say that China’s release of such a large number of satellites raises doubts. There is a possibility that China can spy on America and allies from this mission.

power competition in space
SpaceX Starlink has about 2,000 satellites operating in space. Amazon is also planning to launch thousands of satellites in space. Similarly, the European Union is also working on many options to make itself powerful in the world of space.

China is already monitoring every movement of the earth from space. For this he has left two satellites named Gawfen. China claims that these satellites monitor submarine accidents, the aquatic environment and water conservation, although China has not explained anything in detail.