Now China is massacre of Uighurs in the name of controlling Corona! allegation of starving in homes

New Delhi. Residents of a city in China’s Xinjiang province are battling hunger, forced quarantine as well as dwindling supplies of medicine and food. Sources have given this information to CNN-News18. There have been reports of large-scale detention of Uighurs and other Muslims living in this province in the name of religion and culture. At the same time, if sources are to be believed, in the name of China’s zero-covid policy, those people have now been locked in their homes.

Uighur groups in Istanbul on Monday protested near Beijing’s ‘Hunger Genocide’ (genocide by starvation) on the pretext of controlling the Kovid-19 epidemic near the Chinese consulate in Sarriyar district.

Around 3,000-3,500 protesters, including women and children, gathered outside the Chinese consulate in Istanbul to condemn the brutal lockdown in eastern Turkistan.

Suicide by hunger and pain
Sources said that many Uighurs have been found dead in their homes in recent days and the cause of their deaths is being attributed to hunger and disease. According to sources, residents of these areas are being forcibly imprisoned. There have also been many cases of suicide here, because they could no longer bear the hunger and pain.

The protesters also alleged that young children were starving. They claim that some died due to hunger or high fever, as they could not get food or medicine.

At the same time, Indian intelligence sources said that the 20th National Congress of the CPC will be held in October and President Xi Jinping will try to get a third term in any case. He said that all the aggressive attitudes of China against Taiwan, America and India are part of that strategy.

Intelligence officials said, ‘A new policy has been started in China called ‘Wolf Warrior Diplomacy’ (Wolf Warrior Diplomacy), which is very aggressive, abandoning the traditional diplomatic nuances.

He said that this massacre and the lockdown is part of the strategy to rearrange the people at the local level which has been going on for the last few years and its results will be visible in the Congress (Parliament). It will also be easy for Xi Jingping to find out who is loyal to him.