Most of the poor women died in the stampede during flour distribution

Islamabad: With the onset of Ramzan in Pakistan, huge rush at food distribution centers, sometimes turning into stampedes, has become a common sight. Recently, 12 people were killed in a stampede during the distribution of flour in Karachi, mostly children and women. Here, flour has become so expensive that during the free distribution people are getting stampede, and because of which people are dying. According to the Consumer Price Index, commodity prices rose 35 percent in March from a year ago, the most since 1965.

Pakistan is bankrupt
Recently, Pakistan-origin American journalist Rafia Zakaria has written in one of her articles that Pakistan is in dire need of funds to release the installment of $1 billion, otherwise this country will join the list of defaulters. However, defaulter means that these people stand in queues for food items like oil and flour and the current pictures of Pakistan are telling that Pakistan is now standing in worse condition. Zakaria wrote that people are dying in hospitals and medicines are running out in medical stores. He wrote that most of those who died in the stampede for flour were women. It is the women who have to struggle with the hunger of their children and the empty utensils on the stove.
Mothers are embracing death
Zakaria wrote that the holy month of Ramadan is a month of fasting without water, but imagine that if there is no food and water to eat after breaking the fast, this fasting will become endless and hunger will never end. After this, imagine how the condition of the people would be, what option would be left with those whose children would be suffering from hunger and thirst. The mothers who died during the recent distribution of free flour in Karachi embraced death rather than face the despair of hunger in the eyes of their children. Rafia Zakaria wrote, ‘Mothers dying instead of disappointing their children is a shame to humanity.’