Melting ice in Greenland threatens the world’s drowning

Climate Change: The problem of climate change is becoming more serious than we expected. That’s why the world is rapidly moving towards sinking and we are not even aware. In fact, in a recent report, it has been said that 3.5 trillion tons of ice melted in Greenland in the last decade, due to which the sea level has increased by one centimeter. This has increased the risk of flooding around the world.

The problem of climate change is becoming more serious than we expected. That’s why the world is rapidly moving towards sinking and we are not even aware. In fact, in a recent report, it has been said that 3.5 trillion tons of ice melted in Greenland in the last decade, due to which the sea level has increased by one centimeter. This has increased the risk of flooding around the world.

In fact, an international team of researchers has measured the glaciers of Greenland using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Kryosat-2 satellite mission. The report of this study has been published in the journal Nature Communication. This type of work is the first time satellite data has been used. In technical language, this is called ice sheet runoff.

Co-author of this study and Professor Lim Gilbert of University College London says that it was seen that the ice is melting rapidly in Greenland. They are melting in an unstable manner. This is a global problem. Gilbert further says that due to monitoring from space, we were able to see the whole of Greenland and almost the whole of Antarctica. No team could do this work while on earth.

The researchers found that during the last four decades, the water created by the melting of ice has increased by 21 percent. The study showed that the global sea level rose by one centimeter between 2011 and 2020 due to the melting of ice. This can cause the entire ecosystem to become disorganized.

Researchers said that due to rising sea level, the climate of the world is affected. Due to this, fluctuations in the weather of the whole world can be seen.

The study also said that the summers of 2012 and 2019 were the most unfavorable. Most of the snow melted in these two summers. This had not been seen in the last 40 years. The study shows that during the last decade, an average of 357 billion tonnes of ice melted and reached the ocean every year.

It is equal to one millimeter of water in the ocean. In 2012, the highest amount of ice was melted at 527 billion tonnes. Due to this, a lot of change was observed in the pattern of the Earth’s atmosphere.

The main reason for melting snow has been bad weather conditions. These snows are melting due to extreme heat and frequent hot winds.

The lead author of this study and Professor Thomas Slater of the University of Lead says that the same is happening in Greenland as we are seeing in other parts of the world. As our climate continues to warm, there will be more snowmelt events in Greenland. Studying in this way will help us to take steps to save the climate.

At the end of this century, the situation may be frightening.
He says that due to this incident of melting of ice in Greenland, terrible changes in weather will be seen in every part of the world.

Another co-author of this study and Professor Amber Leeson of Lancaster University in England says that if the rate of ice melting in Greenland remains the same, then by the end of this century i.e. 2100, the sea level will increase by 3-23 cm. Will happen. If this happens then the world may have to face its dire consequences.