Mars, Mercury and Venus change the zodiac like a boon for the zodiac signs

New Delhi: In the month of December, 3 big planets Mars, Mercury and Venus have changed their zodiac signs. On December 5, the planet Mars entered Scorpio. On 8 December Venus entered Capricorn and on 10 December Mercury entered Sagittarius. In astrology, the change in the zodiac of planets is considered very important. Changes in the zodiac signs of planets have good and inauspicious effects on all the zodiac signs. Due to the change in the zodiac signs of Mars, Mercury and Venus, some zodiac signs are bound to get lucky. Let us know for which zodiac signs the remaining 19 days of the month of December are like a boon…


There will be wealth, which will strengthen the financial side. There will be chances of profit in business. There can be help from brother and sister. Courage and might will increase. Honor-respect and position- prestige will increase. Spend time with spouse. You will get an opportunity to do it. There are chances of success in work. Luck will support you. Time will be auspicious for job and business. The work done by you will be appreciated. There will be an opportunity to spend time with family members. You will experience happiness in married life. Sudden receipt of good news from family. Might be possible.


Time is auspicious for job and business. You will get respect. You will get success in work. Married life will be happy. Will spend time with family members. You will get auspicious results. People looking for a job may get good news. There will be chances of promotion or financial benefits. Sun transit will be beneficial for starting any new work. Education This time is not less than a boon for the people associated with the field. Time is auspicious for transactions.


During this, sweetness will increase in family relationships. People looking for a job can get auspicious results. Confidence will increase. Married life will be pleasant. There will be money, which will strengthen the financial side. Success will be achieved in matters related to money. Respect will increase in the society. Post-reputation will increase. Investment will be profitable.

The month of December will prove to be beneficial for you. Time is auspicious for transactions. Your prestige will increase during this time. There will be profit in the field. You will get success during the Sun transit period. New opportunities will be available for the arrival of money. Businessmen There can be profit. This time is nothing less than a boon for you.

During this, you will get auspicious results in job and business. There will be chances of promotion in the job. Control the expenses. Family life will be happy. On the economic front too, the change of Sun will prove to be beneficial for you. During this you will win over your enemies. You will get respect at work place. Financial condition will be better than before. Health will improve. Married life will be pleasant.