Law passed regarding condom use

California: In California, USA, a law has been passed regarding the use of condoms that if the condom is removed during sex without the consent of the partner, then it will be illegal. A provision has also been made for filing a case for this. California has become the first state not only in America but in the whole world to make this law. However, as soon as this law is made, a debate has also started on how this will be possible

Actually, stealing has been made illegal in California, USA. This law was being demanded here for a long time. Christina Garcia, a longtime advocate for this law, said in the assembly that we wanted to make sure that stealthing is not only immoral, but also illegal. Garcia of the Democratic Assembly had been pushing for such legislation since 2017.

Finally now this bill has been approved and it has been passed as a law. Governor Gavin Newsom has signed it. Earlier, California legislators sent its bill to Governor Gavin Newsom on August 7. However, no change has been made in the Criminal Code for this law. Under this law, sex workers will also be able to sue their customers who remove condoms during sex without consent.

According to the law, a case can be registered under the civil code against the accused who removes the condom without consent. In this, the victim can file a case against the accused for his damages. However, no further punishment can be given to the offender beyond this. Garcia pointed out that this law should be in the penal code. He said that due to stealing, women are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

Despite all this, there is a debate on this law as to how it will be possible. Some people say that there can be many obstacles in filing a case under this law. As such, the victim may have to make a lot of effort to prove this as well. Garcia himself also believes that this law should be in the penal code, making it a rape or sexual offense. At present, this law has become a topic of discussion all over the world.