Know in which country people are selling children for two times’ bread

Kabul: Afghanistan is facing starvation since the takeover of Taliban. The situation is such that people are selling their children for money. Afghanistan is on the verge of collapse after the Taliban’s rule due to a derailed economy. The workers are not being paid for their work.
A shocking picture has emerged from a village in Herat in the west of Afghanistan. Where the parents sold their newborn baby for only $ 500 to feed their other children. The buyer says that he will raise the girl child to marry his son, but the question arises whether serious cases like human trafficking will not be encouraged under its guise? The buyer of the baby made an advance payment of $250 and decided to pay the rest when the girl was able to walk on her feet. The mother who sold the child said, ‘My other children were starving, so we had to sell our daughter.’ Mother’s pain is also visible, she said that she is my child. I wish I didn’t have to sell my daughter.
Meanwhile, the UN’s head of humanitarian aid affairs told the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies that Afghanistan should be concerned as its economy is being devastated. Half the population is in danger of not having enough food to eat and snowfall has started. “The need is increasing in Afghanistan,” Martin Griffiths, UN’s head of humanitarian aid affairs, told an interview. There is an outbreak of measles.

Griffiths warned that the creation of a food crisis leads to malnutrition and then disease and death, and if appropriate steps are not taken in this regard, the world will see death in Afghanistan. The WFP (World Food Programme) this week has appealed for USD 200 million funding for its campaigns by the end of this year. Griffiths has urged funding from the US and European countries that cut development aid to the country after the Taliban took over Afghanistan on August 15. He said that there is an urgent need of funds to provide humanitarian aid in this country.