. India ( India )
. India ( India )

Know at which number India . India ( India )is?

Wine in the world: Recently a study was done on the country drinking wine in the world. After this study, a list was released of the countries drinking the most alcohol. The European country at the top is Belarus. In this country, on an average, a person drinks 17.5 liters i.e. 178 bottles of liquor every year. At the same time, India is at the 103rd position in this list. But the country of focus is Britain, because the drinking figures here can shake anyone.

In a study conducted by Alcohol Change, a British agency, a list of average alcohol consumption by countries around the world was released. India ( India ) is at number 103 in this list. Per capita alcohol consumption in India in 2016 was around 5.7 litres. At the same time, in 2020, this annual consumption increased to 5 billion liters. It is estimated that in the year 2024, the annual consumption in India will increase to 6.21 billion. But the country which is most in focus is Britain. Every British citizen spends around £62,899 on alcohol in their lifetime. This expenditure is equal to 66.28 lakhs in Indian Rupees.

But when a single 41-year-old woman came to know about the expenditure on alcohol in her 15 years, she was shocked to know. Because this woman had spent 57000 pounds, ie 60 lakh rupees only on drinking alcohol in these past years.

Many people were surprised to hear the figures disclosed by the woman. The woman told in her story that like other people, she also started drinking in her teens. But by the time he reached the age of 20, his alcohol consumption kept on increasing. Because of which he missed many college classes. Had a habit of drinking alcohol 3 times in the first week. But when the habit turned into addiction, it was not known. As a teenager, she used to spend £20 a day on alcohol. But gradually the cost of liquor started to exceed the cost of his groceries.

It is known that Italy produces the most wine, followed by Spain and France. But the surprising thing is that these countries are far behind Britain in terms of consumption.