Keep so many idols in the temple of the house

Sanatan Dharma: It is normal for every house to have a temple in Sanatan Dharma. There are also many idols in that temple, but people are often confused as to how many idols it is okay to keep there. However, if you read Vastu Shastra, then you will get the exact answer to this question there.

According to Vastu Shastra, there is no restriction on the number of idols in the temple of the house. Although it is necessary that no more than 1 idol of any god should be kept. If you have more than one idol or picture, then keep them with respect in another part of the house. The idols kept in the temple should be in a calm nature and showering blessings. Rudra form idols should never be kept in the temple of the house.

If any idol has become broken or old, then immerse them in a pond or river. If it is not possible to do so, then after seeing a clean place nearby, give them Bhusamadhi with respect.

According to Vastu, the idols kept in the temple of the house should never be kept in the posture showing the back. It is considered inauspicious to do so and it makes God angry. Instead, idols showing the face of God should be kept. Try that the size of all the idols kept in the temple is the same. It is considered inauspicious to keep idols of uneven size in the temple.

Some idols in the temple are permanent, while some idols are changeable. Such idols should be changed every year on Diwali. After replacement, the old idols should be given farewell with proper rituals. Whereas new idols should be given place in the temple of the house after consecrating life with full respect.
