( village)
( village)

It is said to be the richest village( village) in the country.

Village of millionaires: There is such a village ( village)  in India, which is called the village of millionaires. Actually, the total population of this village is a little more than 1250 people. A total of 305 families live in this village. Of these, 80 people are millionaires, while the annual income of 50 families is more than Rs 10 lakh. We are talking about Hivare Bazar village in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. It is also called the richest village of India. The biggest thing is that the main source of income of the people of this village is agriculture. The people here together emphasized on agriculture and increased the GDP of the village.

Once upon a time there was poverty everywhere in Hivere Bazar village. Because of this, people were moving from Hivere Bazar village to the cities in search of livelihood. The situation was so bad that in 1990, 90 percent of the families here were poor. Actually, this village was hit by severe drought in the 80s and 90s. The situation got so bad that there was no water left even for drinking. At that time there were 93 wells in the village. The ground water level had also gone down to 110 feet. Some people fled the village with their families. Then the people of this village decided to brighten their own luck.

People changed the picture of the village through Shramdan
To deal with the drought, a committee Joint Forest Management Committee was formed in 1990. Under this, the work of digging wells and planting trees in the village was done through Shramdaan. Funds were received for this work under the Maharashtra Employment Guarantee Scheme. After this, with the coming of Adarsh Gram Yojana in 1994-95, this work gained momentum. After this, the committee banned the sowing of crops requiring more water in Hivare village. The result of people’s hard work and solidarity is that now there are more than 300 wells in the village. At the same time, due to the end of tube well, the ground water level has come down to 30 feet.

Village people are earning by growing vegetables
All the families in the village earn their income from farming. The village people earn huge income every year by growing vegetables. Not only this, their income is also increasing year by year. The per capita income of Hivre Bazaar village is twice the average income of Rs 890 per month of the top 10 percent rural areas of the country. In the last 20 years the average income has increased more than 20 times. Due to the unity of the people of Hivre village, poverty ended and people stopped moving to cities. Now people stay in Hivre Bazar village and do farming. Many people who left the village have now returned.

The condition of the village changed because of the Sarpanch.
The name of Popat Rao Pawar, Sarpanch of Hivre Bazar village, is counted among those few people in the country, because of whom the condition of the entire village changed. People around Hivre Bazar village are also learning from him and doing new experiments in farming to increase their income. Let us tell you that in the 1970s, Hivre Bazar village was famous for Hind Kesari wrestlers. Later the situation worsened and kept getting worse. But, now the situation has changed again. According to Sarpanch Popat Rao, there are 7 principles for the people of the village. The village people themselves prepare the formula and outline for the Panchayat here.

PM Modi praised in ‘Mann Ki Baat’
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also praised Hivre Bazar village. While praising Hivre Bazar village in ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program on 24 April 2020, PM Modi said that only those who have suffered due to its shortage know the value of water. There is also sensitivity regarding water in such a place. People in such places also have a desire to do something better. He said that Hivre Bazar Gram Panchayat of Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra changed the cropping pattern to deal with the water problem. Decided to abandon crops that use a lot of water.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also praised Hivre Bazaar village in his program ‘Mann Ki Baat’.
Not a single mosquito is found in the village
There are dozens of millionaires in Hivre Bazar village, but not even a single mosquito is found. Sarpanch Popat Rao says that the person who finds a mosquito here is given a reward of Rs 400. He told that we had made a five-year plan in collaboration with an NGO to change the face of the village. Under this, the work of digging wells, planting trees and making toilets was to be done in the village. People got involved in this work with such passion that the work of five years was completed in just two years.