India gave the formula to reduce climate change

Rome: The ongoing G20 summit in Rome, the capital of Italy, has been very successful for India in many ways. According to government sources, India has been successful in explaining the importance of language in this summit along with other developing countries on the issue of what action should be taken to achieve climate and energy specific goals. According to the report, G20 countries were asked to work proactively on their obligations towards climate change.

Sources said that India was successful in attracting the attention of the G20 countries to the farmer as well. India asked the G20 countries to take steps to improve the livelihood of small and marginal farmers from the forum of the G20 summit, for which all countries have committed. Sources said that this time in the summit, the focus of the group countries was more on the marginalized farmers.
Earlier this year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN’s main monitoring body on climate change, said the world needs to take extraordinary steps immediately to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. needed. It also said that the 2015 COP meeting in Paris was neither ambitious enough nor was it sufficient to address the climate crisis. At the Paris meeting, 190 countries agreed to work to limit temperature rise to below 2 °C above industrial levels, while the best for our environment was at 1.5 °C.

However, it has come to the fore that if the energy emission continues according to the current situation, then by the end of this century, the temperature of the planet will increase by 2.7 ° C. To avoid this, the IPCC said, global carbon dioxide emissions would need to reach ‘net zero’ around 2050. People like America, Britain have committed to achieve net-zero by 2050, while China has said that it will be carbon neutral by 2060.

Before leaving for Europe to attend the G20 summit, PM Modi had said in a statement that he would, at the Glasgow meeting, highlight the need to comprehensively address the issues of climate change. India is part of a group of 24 ‘Like-minded Developing Countries’ (LMDCs) on the issue of climate change. During a virtual meeting of this group, PM Modi criticized the broken promises that were made in the past to take towards climate change. PM Modi said in the meeting that today, India is setting new records in climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience and collective effort to forge multilateral alliances. India is among the top countries in the world in terms of installed renewable energy, wind and solar power capacity.